Work from Home

Work from Home
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DWR Design Services Live Chat

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Complimentary design services including expert design consultations, in-home measuring and 3-D renderings of your rooms.

Modern Home Office Furniture

With more and more people working from home, high-quality modern home office furniture has never been more essential. Whether or not you have a spare room to dedicate to your home office, work-from-home furniture can help you carve out an efficient and productive home office space. Even a home office setup as simple as a home office chair and desk can establish a vital separation between your work life and your home life, anchoring your work to a specific zone that has been optimized for top performance. Design Within Reach has a wide range of modern home office furniture, from efficient office desks to high-quality performance seating, task chairs, and office chairs. Don't forget a lounge chair for relaxing in between focused work sessions! With its many options, DWR’s assortment can help you achieve a productive, attractive workspace at home.